It's really all about the kids. After having my fourth child I decided to re-train as a primary school teacher having been inspired by the impact a good teacher can have. I was always destined to work in an inner city school as helping disadvantaged children was where my passion lay; helping the children who had experienced trauma, SEND, poverty - all those aspects that can become a barrier to learning. Little did I know that two years into my teaching career, my children would be plunged into that bracket and I was suddenly on benefits, no possessions and we were starting again from scratch. The help we received was incredible and through all the donations we received and foodbank visits, I told myself that one day I would pass this kindness on. This picture shows the three suitcases of clothes and toys that we received from the teachers I worked with, and this was the catalyst for my ideas on linking people in need with the donations people kindly give. But with one added ingredient: choice.
When you have nothing but the clothes you are standing in, you realise how important clothes really are. Having been there myself and seen the way my children struggled with our new lives, I saw how important choice and self expression are in building your identity, your self esteem, your mental health. That became my inspiration for The Charity Shop Gift Card, of which i am a co-founder. But I want to go further in being the voice for children experiencing clothing poverty. Food and fuel poverty are high on the agenda right now, and rightly so, but this means clothing no longer becomes an essential. A winter coat, school uniform, suitable shoes now become a luxury for the children of families experiencing poverty and that shouldn't be the case. The right clothing can help children feel safe and warm, make them feel like they fit in with their peers.
Ultimately having a chance at the right clothing, whether for practical or social reasons, can make a massive impact on a child's well-being. Because it feels that when we have the right clothes to
wear, we belong.